
Infinity 50, Benban 太阳能 Park

Africa’s largest solar PV plant supports 埃及’s renewable energy goals

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Infinity 50, Benban 太阳能 Park
Bayerische Landesbank and Arab African International Bank
Director of Business Development, 太阳能 & 风
Director of Business Development, Renewable 能源 & 电力项目
The first utility-scale PV plant in 埃及
Enough electricity to power almost 69,000个家庭

A few places are as barren as the Western Desert in Northern African’s Sahara belt. 681,000 square kilometres of uninhabited sand and rock, over two-thirds of 埃及’s total area, has laid dormant for thousands of years until 现在.

The Benban 太阳能 Park located near the Southern city of Aswan has created an unprecedented level of activity in the region, 欠1.8-gigawatt安装, the first utility-scale PV plant in 埃及. The ambitious project is a critical element of 埃及’s efforts to increase its generation capacity and reform the power sector by incorporating more renewable sources into the mix. The solar park aims to make a significant contribution to 埃及’s goal of covering 20% of its total energy demand from renewable energies and create thousands of job opportunities within the region.

利用太阳能发电, one of the fastest growing energy sources and the enviable solar resources available within the region, 太阳能公园和位置, 这是一个完美的搭配. Six million solar panels later, the Benban 太阳能 Park—more than 32 contiguous solar projects across 36 square kilometers of 埃及ian desert—is one of the largest solar installations in the world. 它会生成/ 2,000兆瓦的电力, enough to power hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses, providing the clean energy required to drive continued growth for the country.

纵观整个发展, Wood partnered to bring the solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant to commercial operation, making a substantial contribution to the Infinity 50 solar park, part of Benban’s solar development complex. 64年.1兆瓦无限50太阳能公园, is anticipated to produce over 110,000 MWh per year – enough electricity to power almost 69,000个家庭.

The Wood team supported Bayerische Landesbank and the Arab African International Bank as lenders’ technical advisor, undertaking pre-construction technical due diligence and construction monitoring through to commercial operation. Representing a landmark in the development of renewable energy infrastructure in the MENA region, the solar array will also prevent over 1,293,000 t of CO2 emissions during its lifetime.


作为项目范围的一部分, Wood engineers and consultants undertook pre-construction technical due diligence including site assessment, 技术评论, 技术设计评审, independent energy yield analysis, 合同评审, and environmental and social review. 经过三年的工作, the project to bring Africa’s largest solar park to life is 现在 complete and all plots are 现在 operational. This landmark project has already directly impacted Benban through the employment opportunities presented and the economic growth of the surrounding communities, whilst accelerating the renewable energy ambitions across the entire nation.

As the first major utility-scale solar plant in the country it was a complex undertaking, 但是成功地执行了, to secure a reliable energy supply through unlocking the capability of the abundant solar resources available. Wood has proudly partnered with clients to deliver over 200 solar projects across the globe, including 35GW of solar PV projects and the IFC solar guidebook. Our history of leading extensive solar engineering, 采购, construction and advisory solutions across medium to large scale solar farms, remains a key contributor in our quest to drive a sustainable energy future.

United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.